Happy & Blessed fast of Advent!
As we await the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ this Advent season we are filled with joy as we celebrate the story of our salvation and the mystery of the incarnation. We attend vigils and prayers and the month is filled with hymns and praises about the Messianic prophesies, the virginal birth, and the glorious incarnation. I pray that this fast is a blessed time in which we deepen our relationship with God and prepare Him a place in our hearts to be born anew.
In recent new the Holy Synod has formed a Hymns Committee, led by H.G. Bishop Makari, General Bishop of South Shobra, and includes the involvement of many well-known priests and cantors in the Church for the main goal of unifying the sources of hymns. This committee has already met twice (October 31, 2014 and November 3, 2014) and has chosen the following sources for Advent (Kiahk) Hymns:
- Nie;noc Tyrou (Niethnos Teerou)
- C. Mikhail El-Batanouni and C. Farag Abdel-Maseih
- “Alli El-‘asr” – Alleluia of Vespers, Allylouia Pi`wou Va (Alleluia Pioou Fa)
- C. Mikhail El-Batanouni and C. Farag Abdel-Maseih
- `Areten;wn](Aretenthounti), 8th Part of the Saturday Theotokia
- Kiahk Sherat, Saturday Theotokia Lobsh
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih
- The Great Watos Commentary, Saturday Vespers Praise
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih for the Introduction
- Constructing (tarkeep) of the commentary parts according to Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Psali Watos for Saturday Vespers Praise `Amwini Tyrou (Amoini Teerou)
- Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Saturday Theotokia in Kiahk Tune
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih and Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Explanations of the Saturday Theotokia
- Archdeacon Fahim Girgis in which the paragraph before last be elevated in pitch
- All explanations may be constructed as it was agreed upon by C. Ibrahim Ayad and C. Gad Lewis
- “Alli Nos El-lil” – Alleluia of Midnight
- C.Mikhail El-Batanouni and C.Farag Abdel-Maseih
- The Great Kiahk Hoos and its Alleluia
- C. Mikhail El-Batanouni
- Great Teoi `nhikanoc (Teoi `nhikanos), 10th part of the Sunday Theotokia
- C. Mikhail El-Batanouni
- Tenen & Euhwc (Tenen & Evhos)
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih and other cantors with the consideration of the set of ornaments (hazzat) on the first word repeat twice and not three times
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih and other cantors with the consideration of the set of ornaments (hazzat) on the first word repeat twice and not three times
- Great `Ebolhiten (Evolhiten)
- C. Tawfik Youssef
- Conclusion of the Commentary for the Saintly Laborers, P=,=c Pencwtyr (Pikhristos Pensotir)
- C. Tawfik Youssef (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpmgezMjzJQ)
- Tenoueh `ncwk (Tenoueh `nsok)
- Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Tune 1
- Tune 2
- Tune 3
- Tune 4
- Tune 5
- Deacon Ibrahim Ayad and Chorus recording based on Archdeacon Faheem Girgis
- Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Sunday Theotokia Explanations
- To be chanted in the annual theotokia tune or according to C. Tawfik Youssef recordings
- Kiahk Psalies
- Adam Psalies are to be chanted in the tune of Amen Alleluia (Adam Hymn after the Hoos – Agios O Theos)
- Watos Psalies are to be chanted in the tune of The Burning Bush (Watos Hymn (Psali) for Thursday)
- The Kiahk Psalm, Cwtem Taseri (Sotem Tasheri)
- C. Farag Abdel-Maseih and Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- “Alli El-tawzi” – Alleluia of the Distribution, and Psalm 150
- Archdeacon Fahim Girgis
- Je `F`cmarwout in Kiahk Tune and Fem`psa Gar for Sundays (Je `Fcmaroout & `Fem`psha Ghar)
- Kiahk Aspasmoses
- Adam – C. Ibrahim Ayad
- Watos – C. Gad Lewis
- Je `F`cmarwout in Kiahk Tune and }par;enoc for Weekdays (Je `Fcmaroout & Tiparthenos)
- C. Tawfik Youssef
- Comment: It is a traditional hymn that should be kept and chanted during prayers and hymns competitions
The following were mentioned to be present at the meetings:
- H.G. Bishop Makari, General Bishop of South Shobra (Committee Head)
- Hegumen Isaiah El-Muharraqi, St. Mary’s Monastery of El-Muharraq
- Fr. Youannis Halim, Youth Bishopric Hymn Board
- Fr. Angelos Ishaak, HICS Hymns & Music Department
- Mr. Michelle Badee Abdel-Malik, Head of HICS, Hymns & Music Department
- Cantor Ibrahim Ayad, Teacher at Didymus Institute for Chanters and the Clerical School
- Cantor Gad Lewis, Teacher at Didymus Institute for Chanters and HICS
- Cantor Todari Anwar, Teacher at Didymus Institute for Chanters
- Cantor Milad Nadi, Teacher at Didymus Institute for Chanters
- Cantor Magdy Bekhit, Teacher at Didymus Institute for Chanters
- Cantor Youssef Ayoub, Association (Rabetat) of Chanters in Cairo
- Cantor Rida Barsoum, Teacher at HICS Hymns & Music Department and the Clerical School
- Deacon Beshara Nader Attia, Secretary of Youth Bishopric Hymn Board
Some related audio resources:
- Cantor Farag Abdelmessih
- Cantor Gad Lewis
- Higher Institute of Coptic Studies
- Cantor Ibrahim Ayad (Liturgy & Midnight Praise)
- St. Mark, Jersey City, NJ
- Images of Arabic Report
- English translation from http://tasbeha.org/
- Icon of the Theotokos – https://www.behance.net/minaanton
Hi David /everyone in the intro for midnight praise , it was said that there was about 14 different genres of ten thenou parts.. I could not find such a thing other than a variation after ten thenou 1st verse with St Macarri Monastery in Egypt. Do you what are these sources and do we have any complete ten theenou recording with all the verses that follow the first verse for HICS Chorus and not indviduals? please advise. Thanks.–Nader Mansi
Hey Nader, I’m not sure I understand the question. I couldn’t find anything in this post that spoke about 14 genres for Ten Thino. Could you explain more and provide your sources?