Coptic Ordinations Pentecost 2010

On May 23, 2010, the Feast the Pentecost, H.H. Pope Shenouda III, with the gathered Metropolitans, and Bishops ordained 19 new priests:

  1. Father John, formerly known as Maher Bishara of Jersey City, NJ to serve the Church of St. Anthony in South Jersey, New Jersey, USA
  2. Father Isaac, formerly known as Isaac Soryal of Staten Island/Bayonne to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & St. George in Staten Island, New York, USA
  3. Father David, formerly known as Ramez Milad to serve the Church of Virgin Mary in Maryland, USA
  4. Father Mina to serve Virgin Mary & Archangel Michael Church in London
  5. Father Basilious (Basil) as a General Priest to serve the Church of God.
  6. Father Mina to serve the Coptic Church in Romania.
  7. Father Maximos (Maximus) as a General Priest to serve the Church of God.
  8. Father Armia (Jeremiah) to serve the Church of St. George in Sahel, Cairo, Egypt.
  9. Father Mikhail (Michael) to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & Archangel Michael in El Abaseri, Egypt.
  10. Father Gawargious (George) to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & Archangel Michael in El Abaseri, Egypt.
  11. Father Lukas (Luke) to serve the Church of St. Luke in Masr El Adeema, Egypt.
  12. Father Shenouda to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & St. Abanoub in Manshiet Nasr, Egypt.
  13. Father Arsanios to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & St. Abanoub in Manshiet Nasr, Egypt.
  14. Father Youhanna (John) to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & St. Abanoub in Manshiet Nasr, Egypt.
  15. Father Bola (Paul) to serve the Church of St. Mina in El Abageya, Egypt.
  16. Father Youssef (Joseph) to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & St. Athanasius in El Maadi, Egypt.
  17. Father Estafanous to serve the Church of Virgin Mary in El Maadi, Egypt.
  18. Father Bishoy to serve the Church of Virgin Mary & Abu Sefin in Ezbeet El Nakhl, Egypt.
  19. Father Markos (Mark) to serve the Church of St. Mark in El Eboor, Egypt.

May the Lord continue to bless His Church and increase her service.  We congratulate His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on the ordinations of these new servants of Christ.  We also congratulate the newly ordained fathers the priests, their families, and the congregations of these blessed churches.

Priest Ordinations Video

Pentecost Liturgy Video

One thought on “Coptic Ordinations Pentecost 2010

  1. Hello David,

    Will you be broadcasting live the priest ordinations tomorrow on USTREAM?

    Thanks and God bless your service.


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