2016 Lenten Local Liturgy Schedule

Blessed Great Lent to you all!

The church fathers of our local area churches put together this schedule of liturgies during The Great Lent.

May this schedule be a source of blessing during this blessed fast.

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2016 Local Lenten Liturgy Schedule

Lenten Hymns – Psali Adam on the 3rd Hoos – I Remembered The Sins

Psali Adam on the 3rd Hoos

I remembered the sins, of my ignorance, I cast off my tears, and sat down and cried.
All the sighing, of my chest, (are) burning like fire, in my heart.

The darkness of my mind, I have followed, The commandment of Jesus, I have abandoned.
All the evil conduct, of my nature, I have followed, without hope.

Therefore I, have collapsed, like the house, that is built on sand.
The heavenly beings, but also the earthly, were perplexed because of my sins, as I have become mire.

Behold I see, that my soul is lifeless, and placed in a tomb, like the dead.
Gather my brethren, and cry out with me, until the end of time, for I have fallen.

Egypt is shining, with the oil of prayer, and tearful supplications, in the night.
For You have snatched me, unless I become humiliated, I who have fallen, among the thieves.

The instinct of sin, uproot from my heart, and also O Lord, my heart’s ignorant thoughts.
Grant unto me, spiritual wisdom, and vitality, in my prayer.

That I may be fervent, in the wisdom of speech, and be in fellowship, after the enmity.
My Master You know, that my instincts, lean towards the ignorance, of this world.

Woe unto me, if You count my affliction, for great disgrace will fall, upon my weak spirit.
Lord remit, the afflictions, of my nature, and the weaknesses of my flesh.

Incline Your ear, quickly to my weakness, as You have accepted, the prayer of the publican.
Save me O Lover, of mankind, for my instincts have sunk, in the terrors of this world.

We ask you, O Great King, to remember Your servant, in Your Kingdom.
Behold a thief, had declared that to You, and You visited him O Lord, with Your mercy and salvation.

Yours is the honor, Yours is the majesty, O Creator, of heaven and earth.
Forgive me hastily, that I may rest, for my wickedness and cruelty, are weighty upon me.

Make me worthy, of the Flesh of Your Son, to renew me, in what pleases Him.
Shepherd, and Redeemer, seek Your lamb, I the lost.

Cover Art by: Mena Antoun – www.behance.net/gallery/6747501/The-Sinful-Woman