2013 Lenten Local Liturgy Schedule

Happy start of The Great Lent!  The church fathers of our local area churches put together this schedule of liturgies during The Great Lent.

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2013 Local Lenten Schedule


Bishop Ordinations March 10, 2013

H.H. Pope Tawadros II will officiate the Holy Liturgy in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Al Abbasiya, Cairo, Egypt on March 10, 2013.  During this liturgy H.H. Pope Tawadros II, with our fathers the Metropolitans and Bishops, will ordain 7 new bishops over diocese across Egypt and will also enthrone 4 bishops over dioceses.  The liturgy will begin with Matins at approximately 8:00AM Cairo Time.

CTV Coverage of The Bishop Ordinations Liturgy – March 2013

CTV Coverage of The Bishop Ordinations Vespers – March 2013

Newly Enthroned Bishops:

  1. H.G. Bishop Daniel enthroned on the Diocese of El Maadi
  2. H.G. Bishop Theodosius enthroned on the Diocese of Central Giza
  3. H.G. Bishop Boutros enthroned on the Diocese of Shebin El Qanater
  4. H.G. Bishop Mina enthroned on the Diocese of Mississauga and Vancouver, Canada

Newly Ordained Bishops:

  1. HG. Bishop Epiphanius, formerly Fr. Epiphanius Al-Makary, as Bishop and Abbot of the Monastery of St. Abu Makar in Wadi El-Natrun
  2. HG. Bishop Makar, formerly Fr. Makar Al-Barmousy, as Bishop of the Diocese of El Shareya
  3. HG. Bishop Samoeel, formerly Fr. Salib El-Samoely, as Bishop of Diocese of Tamouh and its vicinities
  4. HG. Bishop Domadious, formerly Fr.  Zakaria El-Souryani, as Bishop of the Diocese of October
  5. HG. Bishop Youannes, formerly Fr. Youannes El-Souryani, as Bishop of the Diocese of Imbaba and Warraq
  6. HG. Bishop Zosima, formerly Fr.  Zosima El-Antoni, as Bishop of the Diocese of Atfih and El Saf
  7. HG. Bishop Yulius, formerly Fr. Yulius Ava Mina, as a General Bishop to serve in Masr El Adema

May God keep for us the life and standing of our beloved Pope Tawadros II and all of our fathers the metropolitans and bishops. Amen.

Web Sources:

Coptic Clergy Ordinations – March 3, 2013

The Divine Liturgy in which there will be Clergy Ordinations officiated by  H.H. Pope Tawadros II that will take place in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Al Abbasiya, Cairo, Egypt on March 3, 2013 .  The liturgy will begin with Matins at approximately 8:00AM Cairo Time.

CTV Coverage of The Clergy Ordinations 2013

H.H. Pope Tawadros ordained the following priests for the United States and Canada:

  • Fr. James for St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Mission Church of Chicago, IL, USA
  • Fr. Jacob for St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Minneapolis, USA
  • Fr. Michael for Archangel Michael and St. Takla Coptic Orthodox Church in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
  • Fr. Shenouda for St. Mary and St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church in Ontario, Canada

Web Sources: