This year was the 20th Anniversary for the East Coast Coptic Youth Convention (ECCYC). This video commemorates the 20 years of ECCYCs. It is a compilation of pictures and clips from throughout the years. Congratulations to the ECCYC!
Tag: Coptic News
Coptic Ordinations Pentecost 2009
On June 7, 2009, the Feast the Pentecost, H.H. Pope Shenouda III, the gathered Metropolitans, and Bishops ordained many bishops and priests.
They enthroned 2 existing bishops for dioceses as follows:
H.G. Bishop Timothaeus (Timothy), on the Diocese of El ZaaZeh, Egypt
H.G. Bishop Abakir, on the Diocese of Sweden and all Scandinavia
They also ordained 7 new bishops as follows:
H.G. Bishop Michael, on the Diocese of Virginia, United States
H.G. Bishop Daniel, on the Monastery of St. Shenouda, Australia
H.G. Bishop Theodosius, a General Bishop in the Diocese of El Giza, Egypt
H.G. Bishop Salib, a General Bishop in the Diocese of Meet Gamr, Egypt
H.G. Bishop Marcorios. on the Diocese of Girga, Egypt
H.G. Bishop Botros (Peter), on the Diocese of Shebeen El Anater, Egypt
H.G. Bishop Mina, a General Bishop
While ordaining the bishops, As he places the bishops crown on every new bishop, H.H. breathes onto their faces and recites, “… He said to them, As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” (John 20:21-23)
They also ordained 37 new priests:
- Father Daniel to serve Virgin Mary & St. Abraam’s Church in Ajax, Canada
- Father Antonios, known as Nader Salib of East Brunswick, NJ to serve Virgin Mary & St. Kerolos’s Church in Pennsylvania, USA
- Father John, formerly known as John Rizkalla of East Brunswick, NJ to serve Virgin Mary & St. Athanasius’ Church – Raritan, New Jersey, USA
- Father Bishoy, known as Bishoy Lamie Mikhail to serve St. Antonios & St. Mina’s Church in East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA
- Father Mina, known as Mina Attwa to serve St. Mark’s Church in Nairobi, Kenya
- Father Steven to serve St. Moses the Black’s Church in Lusaka, Zambia
- Father Antony to serve St. Antonios’s Church in Lambo, Congo
- Father Kerolos (Cyril) to serve St. Mark’s Church in Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Antonios (Anthony) to serve St. Mark’s Church in Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Mikhail (Michael) to serve St. Mark’s Church in Shoubra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Martiros to serve St. George’s Church in El Bortoeya, Egypt
- Father Kerolos (Cyril) to serve St. George’s Church in El Bortoeya, Egypt
- Father Mina to serve St. George’s Church in El Bortoeya, Egypt
- Father Agnatios (Ignatius) to serve Vrigin Mary’s Church in Haret Zooela, Egypt
- Father Polycarpos to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Garden City, Egypt
- Father Yostos to serve St. Mark’s Church in Cleopatra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Antonios (Anthony) to serve St. Mark’s Church in Cleopatra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Mina to serve St. Mark’s Church in Cleopatra, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Yousef (Joseph) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Ard El Golf, Egypt
- Father Youhanna (John) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in El Sherooh, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Angelos to serve Virgin Mary & St. Shenouda’s Church in Ard El Berka, Egypt
- Father Gabrial (Gabriel) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in El Uptamia, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Rafael to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Deriaz, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Ibraam (Abraham) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Deriaz, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Shenouda to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Deriaz, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Moussa (Moses) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Ezbet El Nakhl, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Andrwais (Andrew) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Ezbet El Nakhl, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Philopateer to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Ezbet El Nakhl, Cairo, Egypt
- Father Mina to serve St. George’s Church in Sawael, Luxor, Egypt
- Father Ibraam (Abraham) to serve St. George’s Church in Sawael, Luxor, Egypt
- Father Philopateer to serve Archangel Michael’s Church and Monastery in Kamoola, Luxor, Egypt
- Father Moussa (Moses) to serve Archangel Michael’s Church and Monastery in Kamoola, Luxor, Egypt
- Father Elia (Elijah) to serve St. Pachomios’s Church in Luxor, Egypt
- Father Hedra to serve St. George’s Church in Armant, Egypt
- Father Boules to serve Sinai, Egypt
- Father Bishoy to serve St. Doolagi’s Church in Isna, Egypt
- Father Gerges (George) to serve Virgin Mary’s Church in Mahat El Fatekat, Egypt
They also elevated 2 priests to the rank of Hegomen:
1. Father Youhanna to serve St. Mark’s Church in Cleopatra, Cairo, Egypt
2. Father Antonios to serve Virgin Mary & John the Beloved’s Church in El ZaaZeh, Egypt
May the Lord continue to bless His Church and increase her service. We congratulate His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on the ordinations of these new servants of Christ. We also congratulate the newly ordained fathers the bishops, hegomens, priests, their families, and the congregations of these blessed churches.
Bishop Ordinations Video
Priest & Hegomen Ordinations Video
Coptic Priest Ordinations – March 2009
Today, March 3, 2009 at 1:45 am eastern standard time, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III ordained 19 new priests. One priest to serve in North America and eighteen to serve in Egypt. Here is what information I could gather:
1. Father Paul formerly known as Michael Girguis of Los Angeles, CA to serve St. Mark’s Church – Fairfax, Virginia, USA
2. Father Matta (Matthew) to serve St. Demiana’s Church in Baba Doblo, Shoubra, Egypt
3. Father Markos (Mark) to serve St. Demiana’s Church in Baba Doblo, Shoubra, Egypt
4. Father Salib (Cross) to serve Archangel Michael’s Church in Sheraton, Egypt
5. Father Marcorius to serve Archangel Michael’s Church in Sheraton, Egypt
6. Father Antonious (Anthony) to serve St. Abu Sefin’s Church in Hadayek El Kobba, Egypt
7. Father Samoeel (Samuel) to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Maleeha, Egypt
8. Father Philemon to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Maleeha, Egypt
9. Father Mikhail (Michael) to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Maleeha, Egypt
10. Father Boules (Paul) to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Amiriya, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt
11. Father Yostos to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Amiriya, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt
12. Father Gawargios (George) to serve Virgin St. Mary’s Church in Amiriya, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt
13. Father Armia (Jeremiah) to serve St. Demiana’s Church in Bel Wayli, Egypt
14. Father Mousa (Moses) to serve St. Demiana’s Church in Bel Wayli, Egypt
15. Father Philopateer to serve Pope Athanasius the Apostolic and St. Pishoy’s Church in Belkosous, Egypt
16. Father Youssef to serve Pope Athanasius the Apostolic and St. Pishoy’s Church in Belkosous, Egypt
17. Father Athanasius to serve Pope Athanasius the Apostolic and St. Pishoy’s Church in Belkosous, Egypt
18. Father Angelos (Angel) to serve Virgin St. Mary and St. Abu Sefin’s Church in Esbeet El Hagana, Egypt
19. Father Mikhail (Michael) to serve Anba Balamon’s Church in Egypt
May the Lord continue to bless the Church and increase her service. We congratulate His Holiness Pope Shenouda III on the ordination of these new servants of Christ. We also congratulate the newly ordained fathers, their families, and the congregations of these blessed churches.
Full Video of Ordination
The Ordination of Fr. Paul Girguis