He Rose With Power – Arabic Song (Aam Web Kowah)

Download CTV – Aam Web Qowah [audio:https://davidbebawy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CTV-Aam-Web-Qowah.mp3|titles=CTV – Aam Web Qowah]

Christ is Risen!

Truly, He is Risen!

I wanted to share with you this nice song about the change and impact of our Lord’s Resurrection.  It is Arabic but I have translated it for all to benefit.

My Lord Jesus, from the darkness of His tomb,
Rose and His resurrection was powerful,
After the pain of His crucifixion and His tomb,
He brought joy to mankind through His resurrection.

He Rose with Power, and with this He, (2)
Brought joy to mankind through His resurrection. (2)

Every sorrowful soul about His death,
after His resurrection became joyful,
Mariam and the disciples from His voice,
Heard His words and saw him with their eyes.

He Rose with Power, and with this He drew, (2)
A smile on any frowning face. (2)

The darkness of the tomb did not hinder Him,
Or the binding of His clothes,
Or the soldiers guarding Him,
Or the door of the tomb and it’s seal.

He Rose with Power, and over Him, (2)
Never did death have any power. (2)

Even my church after its weeping,
And the black covers it for a week.
Returns again and tells me the story,
After that Jesus rose from the tomb.

He Rose with Power, and He wiped, (2)
From my check every tear. (2)

There Is One Who Loves You – Arabic Christian Song (Fee Wahed Bey Hebak)

Download CTV – Fee Wahed Bey Hebak [audio:https://davidbebawy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/CTV-Fee-Wahed-Bey-Hebak.mp3|titles=CTV – Fee Wahed Bey Hebak]

This is a beautiful christian song! It has some deep lyrics and re-assures of things we too often forget.  Meditating on these words, we will remember all the times God has been there for us, all the times He patiently tries to have us get to know Him, and all the times we are comforted and restored whenever we turn and look to Him.  The translation goes something lie this:


There is One who loves you,
He is knocking on (the door of) your heart,
Let Him reign over your life,
And open to Him your heart.
Talk to him and you will find Him listening,
He can feel your weaknesses,
He is the Creator, your Lord,
He holds you in His heart.

He rejoices when you call Him,
If you read His bible,
With all your heart, pray to Him,
And throw your cares on Him.
If you feel alone,
And you’re in real pain,
Your Lord’s voice is calling,
Go and get to know Him.


Our Lord’s promise is sure,
If you have a master,
He will give a new life,
And all sins he will remit.
Why are you lost and drowning;
Why do you flee His love;
Why do you drink of the world,
While you thirst for Him?


Why are you doubting?
Try and give Him a chance,
Come closer the Savior,
Your wounds He will heal.
Explain to Him your circumstances,
Your fears and your failures,
In the darkness He will find you,
And carry you in His hands.
