H.G. Bishop Tawadros is chosen by Divine Altar Lot to be the 118th Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and the See of St. Mark the Apostle. H.G. Bishop Tawadros will enthroned as H.H. Pope Tawadros II on November 18, 2012. The name “Tawadros” aka “Theodorus” means “the gift of god” and truly H.G. Bishop Tawadros is a gift from God, chosen by Him, to shepherd his Holy Coptic Church.
CTV Full Coverage of Papal Altar Lot Liturgy
Long live H.H. Pope Tawadros II! May God grant you many years and peaceful times! Amen.
Various Pictures of the Historic Event
Their Graces the Bishops await the start of the processional.
The glass vessel which contains the names of the three papal candidates.
Bishoy Girgis Mossad – The young boy chosen to select the name.
Bishoy Girgis Mossad chooses the name of the next Coptic Pope.
H.E. Metropolitan Pachomios announces the result of the Divine Altar Lot. He announces “Bishop Tawadros!”
The congregation begins to rejoice at the selection of the new pope; His Holiness Pope Tawadros II!
Pictures of H.G. Bishop Tawadros throughout his life.
H.G. Bishop Tawadros
H.G. Bishop Tawadros praying a Divine Liturgy.
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and the See of St. Mark.
Photo of H.G. Bishop Tawadros place on the Patrichal Throne in the church of Virgin Mary & Archangel Michael in Hamden, CT.
H.G. Bishop Tawadros meets and speaks with Bishoy Girgis Mossad, the young boy who picked his name in the Divine Altar Lot.
First Meeting of H.E. Metropolitan Pachomios and Pope Elect H.G. Bishop Tawadros. The mutual love and respect is so clear.
Pope Elect H.G. Bishop Tawadros stands at the head of the table and prays.
H.G. Bishop Tawadros sitting with H.E. Metropolitan Pachomios and H.G. Bishop Sarabamoun.
Pope Elect H.G. Bishop Tawadros celebrates his birthday on the same day he is chosen to be the 118 Coptic Pope.
The Papal Altar Lot Liturgy that will take place in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Al Abbasiya, Cairo, Egypt on November 4, 2012 where the 118th Pope of Alexandria will be chosen from among three candidates. The three candidates are:
H.G. Bishop Rafael
H.G. Bishop Tawadros
Hegomen Fr. Rafael Ava Mina
CTV Full Coverage of Papal Altar Lot Liturgy
May God appoint for us a Pope, according to His choosing, to shepherd His people in purity and righteousness. Amen.