Would you Sponsor David H Bebawy for the 5K Run?

Dear Readers and Friends,

l have registered to run in The 2011 “Exercise Your Spirit” 5K Run on June 18th, 2011. Please sponsor my efforts to raise the MOST MONEY for the building of a new church for St. George and St. Shenouda Coptic Orthodox Church in Jersey City, NJ.   I would really love it if you could all join me at the 5K Run.  It will be a wonderful day of fellowship and Christian fun.  Everyone really stepped up and dug deep last year and with your help I raised $7,294.26.  I ask you to help me again this year with your support.  Please share the following link with anyone who is willing to donate and/or participate, including your friends, family and coworkers.

Link to Sponsor

David H Bebawy

Thank you all for your future donations and support!

SPONSOR ME – http://5krun.nihov.org/2011/runners#1

David Bebawy

He Rose With Power – Arabic Song (Aam Web Kowah)

Download CTV – Aam Web Qowah [audio:https://davidbebawy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/CTV-Aam-Web-Qowah.mp3|titles=CTV – Aam Web Qowah]

Christ is Risen!

Truly, He is Risen!

I wanted to share with you this nice song about the change and impact of our Lord’s Resurrection.  It is Arabic but I have translated it for all to benefit.

My Lord Jesus, from the darkness of His tomb,
Rose and His resurrection was powerful,
After the pain of His crucifixion and His tomb,
He brought joy to mankind through His resurrection.

He Rose with Power, and with this He, (2)
Brought joy to mankind through His resurrection. (2)

Every sorrowful soul about His death,
after His resurrection became joyful,
Mariam and the disciples from His voice,
Heard His words and saw him with their eyes.

He Rose with Power, and with this He drew, (2)
A smile on any frowning face. (2)

The darkness of the tomb did not hinder Him,
Or the binding of His clothes,
Or the soldiers guarding Him,
Or the door of the tomb and it’s seal.

He Rose with Power, and over Him, (2)
Never did death have any power. (2)

Even my church after its weeping,
And the black covers it for a week.
Returns again and tells me the story,
After that Jesus rose from the tomb.

He Rose with Power, and He wiped, (2)
From my check every tear. (2)

Opened My Eyes, My Beloved Jesus

Being that yesterday was the appropriate Sunday, I wanted to share this with all of you.  This is a hymn for the Man Born Blind.  It is typically recited during communion of the sixth week of the Great Lent.  The attached audio is a recording of the hymn in Arabic.

David Bebawy & John Bibawy – Nawar Eneya

I am the blind without a companion
I don’t have a friend or a pal
Sitting to beg in the street
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

It was announced to me about the news
Jesus is coming among the multitudes
i cried have mercy on me Jesus
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

One of the disciples rebuked me
For my cries he criticized me
But Jesus came and asked me
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

I don’t care about the criticizers
Jesus is faithful and his promises are true
He spat on the floor and made clay
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

And the Lord of peace said to me
Go, my son, speedily
And wash in the Silwam Lake
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

And I turned intently
With haste and eagerly
And washed my eyes from the clay
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

Jesus healed me the blind
My heart from joy is overflowing
I was blind and now I see
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

I returned to Jesus with great joy
And I worshipped Him with humility
Confessing that He is the Savior
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

At all times I will witness
To the Redeemer of sins I will inform
I was blind and now I see
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus

If you come to Him O sinner
He’ll help you, trust me, Jesus loves you
And He’ll open the eyes of your heart
Opened my eyes, my beloved Jesus