Preliminary List of Papal Candidates

Anba Bishoy
Anba Youannis
Anba Rofail
Anba Tawadros
Anba Kyrollos (Milano)
Anba Botros
Anba Pavnotios
Fr. Roufail Ava Mina
Fr. Shenouda Anba Bishoy
Fr. Balhomious Elsyriany
Fr. Daniel Elsyriany
Fr. Maximous Elantony
Fr. Anastasy Elsamuelly
Fr. Bishoy Anba Boula
Fr. Seraphim Elsuryani
Fr. Sawiros Anba Boula
Fr. Bigol Anba Bishoy

The Departure of H.H. Pope Shenouda III

Our beloved Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, has departed to the Paradise of Joy. His Holiness reigned over the See of St. Mark from November 14, 1971 to March 17, 2012. We pray for the soul of our blessed and honored father Pope Shenouda III that the Lord God may repose it in the bosom of our holy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Paradise of Joy. We also ask and pray that God may comfort us all and strengthen His Coptic Church. We beseech our Lord to accept the prayer’s of His Holiness on our behalf.

The Burial of H.H. Pope Shenouda III in his resting place in St. Bishoy Monastery in Wadi El Natroun

Tens of Thousands trying to take the Blessing of the Holy Body while the Funeral Caravan Arrives at St. Bishoy Monastery

Awaiting the arrival of the holy body of H.H. Pope Shenouda III for his Burial

The Funeral Caravan Departs from the Cathedral Grounds En Route to St. Bishoy Monastery

A Message left from His Holiness Pope Shenouda III for his Congregation following his Departure.

This is an exposition read during the funeral service of the father patriarch.  It is written in the first person of the reposed patriarch.  The words are words from His Holiness Pope Shenouda talking to his children. These are words of comfort and condolences to you all.

I am your father and teacher, all of you my children,listen to my commandments, for I ask you my beloved children, preserve and look after the faith of the Holy Trinity.

I ask my beloved children, love one another with a true love.

I ask you my beloved, do good with all humanity.

I ask my beloved children, do not let the world deceive you.

I ask you my beloved children, do not fall short or “be not eager” in the service of the Lord.

I ask you my beloved children, to pray without ceasing and tirelessly.

I ask you o my beloved children, preserve your tongues from causing any division.

I ask of you my beloved children, to preserve the Holy Baptism that was granted to you.

I ask of you my beloved children, preserve your body pure for the Lord.

I ask of you my beloved children, do not ever lamp weaken without light.

I ask of you my beloved children, preserve the commandments that God gave to you.

I ask of you my beloved children, that the fear of God be within you.

God is witness, my beloved children, that I did not keep any of God’s words from away you…that I never ever slept my children, and be blamed by any one of you…that if you preserve and keep what I have told you, you will crush the head of the serpent and dragon. So hence, if you preserve and keep what I have said to you, you will eat of the goodness of the earth. So hence, if you preserve and keep what I have said to you, the shinning Cherubim will guard you. So hence, if you preserve and keep what I have said to you, you will never lack of the Heavenly gifts.

I ask of you my beloved children, to ask of Christ for my soul, that it may have comfort in front of Him, and do not count my short falls, unknowingly and unwillingly. (Then he directs his talks to the Bishops, clergy and priests)

I ask for your love and I plead to your reverence, to absolve me from everyone. And now, I am far from you and left you, and I cannot see your faces. And now I ask of you all, that you exhaust yourselves in prayers for me, remembrance in the Holy Liturgies, that my Master may accept me to Him, and forgive me.

And I ask Christ, the Great Shepherds of Shepherds, that he may elect for you a righteous shepherd according to His Will and heart, that he may shepherd you and your matters and watch for the salvation of your souls.

The Funeral Service for H.H. Pope Shenouda III prayed in St. Mark Cathedral in El Abassiya, Cairo Egypt

The Funeral Liturgy for the repose of H.H. Pope Shenouda III celebrated by H.E. Metropolitan Pachomious

The Liturgy of the Feast of the Cross with the reposed H.H. Pope Shenouda III enthroned celebrated by H.E. Metropolitan Wissa

Anesti Productions – They Presented Unto Him

David Bebawy – They Presented Unto Him.mp3

Aspasmos Watos for The Glorious Feast of the Nativity

They presented unto Him gifts,
gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
praising with the rest,
worshiping Him.

Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia,
Jesus Christ the Son of God,
was born of the Virgin,
in Bethlehem of Judea
according to the prophetic sayings.

Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord of Hosts.
Heaven and earth are full
of Your holy glory.