Testimony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives

On December 7, 2011, the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission heard testimony concerning the plight of Egypt’s Copts.  The witnesses included Kathy Fitzpatrick (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State); Nina Shea (Director, Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute); Dina Guirguis (Member, Egyptian American Rule of Law Association); Adel Guindy (President, Coptic Solidarity International); Cynthia Farahat (Co-Founder, Liberal Egyptian Party); and Raymond Ibrahim (Middle East specialist and Associate fellow, Middle East Forum).

Below is a partial transcript of Farahat’s moving, and disturbing testimony before Congress.  Check out the video that follows for the full testimony.

“… In 1971, President Sadat introduced shariah law to the constitution and now I think it’s, qualifies to say that Egypt is a constitutional theocracy and it’s not a modern state. The consequences were that Copts are no longer, according to shariah law, identified or defined as citizen. I have an Egyptian passport, but I’m not a citizen. The concept of citizenship is a Western concept that does not apply to us in Egypt. I‘m a woman and I’m a Copt. I’m a fourth-class citizen in Egypt. A first-class citizen in Egypt is the Sunni male, Muslim male. The second-class is the Sunni female. The third-class is the Coptic male. And fourth-class is the Coptic female.

And that’s why none of the people that committed crimes, none of the criminals that committed crimes against Copts were prosecuted in any way. Because it is against shariah law and that’s a fact. It’s not an opinion. To persecute someone for – a Muslim, for killing, raping, torturing, or vandalizing the property of a non-Muslim or a dhimmi. So this is our legal status. And this has been happening under the Mubarak’s so-called moderate regime, an ally of the West, and it’s now happening now. It was only inevitable that they take their radicalism a step further and start killing Copts in the street in front of TV cameras with live ammunition and running them over with armored military vehicles they probably got from the United States of America. …”

Warning, Farahat’s descriptions of the massacre are graphic:


  1. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/egyptian-coptic-christian-testifies-before-congress-i-am-a-woman-and-im-a-copt-im-a-fourth-class-citizen/
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHQbXPBEw-s
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC5MCamauos
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoQWeJusZRI
  5. http://www.securefreedom.org

CYC’s Next Top Leader

Introducing, with the blessings of His Grace Bishop David, the FIRST reality TV show in CYC’s history!!

Do you believe you have what it takes to be a leader?
Do you want the chance to put your talents on display for thousands of viewers to see?
Do you want the chance to win an internship with a National Leadership Honors Society, including an all expense paid trip for two days of training?

If your answer is yes, then you may be CYC’s Next Top Leader!!

CYC’s Next Top Leader will pit 10 Coptic college youth in the New York/New Jersey area in an “Apprentice” style reality competition, where they will vie for the title of “CYC’s Next Top Leader”. All contestants must 18 or older.

If you believe you have what it takes, then show us!!

Post a video to our wall of yourself explaining why you think you can be CYC’s next top leader…the only rule is to keep it clean, but be as creative as you like!! Our top 10 videos will be selected to begin filming in January 2012.

More information will be available in the coming days…but for now, invite your friends, and start brainstorming! Last day for submissions is December 15th!!!

Should you have any questions, contact us at cycnexttopleader@yahoo.com

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Lenten Hymns – Meghalo & Apenchois

Boules Malak – The Rites & Hymns of The Great Lent – 03 – Meghalo & Apenchois
[audio:https://davidbebawy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/03-Meghalo-Apenchois.mp3|titles=Boules Malak – 03 – Meghalo & Apenchois]


The ever-greatest pure highpriest forever is the Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Who was crucified for us, have mercy upon us.


Our Lord Jesus Christ, fasted for us, forty days and forty nights, to save us from our sins.

And we too let us fast, with purity and righteousness, and let us also pray, proclaiming and saying.

“I have sinned I have sinned, my Lord Jesus forgive me, for there is no servant without sin, nor a master without forgiveness.”

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name, may Your kingdom come, for Yours is the glory forever.

The incense is Mary, the incense is in her womb, which she will borne, to forgive us our sins.

Let us praise with the angels, proclaiming and saying, “Worthy worthy, worthy O Mary the Virgin.”