Fr. Thomas Nashed officiated his first liturgy at St. Bishoy Monastery in Egypt. Here are some pics of his first liturgy.
Category: Coptic
H.G. Bishop David’s 10th Anniversary as a Bishop
This year marks the anniversary of H.G. Bishop David’s ordination as a bishop and 10 years of his blessed service here on the east coast. His Grace Bishop David was honored at two functions, a banquet held in his honor at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Secaucus, NJ on Nov. 17, 2009 and an anniversary celebration held at St. Aedan’s Roman Catholic Church in Jersey City, NJ on Nov. 18, 2009. Attending these events were some of our blessed hierarchs of our sister oriental orthodox churches, distinguished political guests, clergy, and congregation.
Among those in attendance was H.E. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian of the Armenian Orthodox Church, H.E. Metropolitan Zacharias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and Very Rev. Chorepiscopus John Meno, on behalf of H.E. Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim of the Syrian Orthodox Church. Both nights were filled with speeches, video presentations (see below), choirs, etc… that were an attempt, but could not express our love and gratitude to our beloved Anba David.
May the Lord keep for us the life of our holy righteous father, our patriarch Pope Shenouda III, and his partner in the apostolic ministry, our father the Bishop Anba David for many years and peaceful times. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Ordination of H.G. Bishop David
10 Years of Service
Recording of H.G. Bishop David’s 10th Anniversary Banquet
click to begin play
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Ordination of Fr. Thomas Nashed
Among those ordained by H.H. Pope Shenouda III on November 14, 2009, was Fr. Thomas Nashed, formerly known as Hany Nashed, to serve in the church of St. George & St. Shenouda Church in Jersey City, NJ. I would like to congratulate Fr. Thomas, Mona, Mark, Thomas, Daniel, the family, and the congregation on this blessed ordination. May the Lord bless Fr. Thomas’ service to be fruitful and effective in the youth of our church. Here are the two videos of selected clips from the ordination.
Ordination Video – Short Version (5:32)
Contains: Beginning of Prayers, Fr. Thomas is Called, Fr. Thomas is Dressed in his Priestly Garments, Fr. Thomas is Crowned with his Priestly Crown, Fr. Thomas Prays a Part in the Liturgy
Ordination Video – Long Version (17:11)
Contains: Beginning of Prayers, The Oath of Priesthood, The Prayers of Blessing, Fr. Thomas is Called, Fr. Thomas is Dressed in his Priestly Garments, Fr. Thomas is Crowned with his Priestly Crown, Fr. Thomas Prays a Part in the Liturgy, The Confession