The 5 papal candidates are:
- H.G. Bishop Tawadros, General Auxiliary Bishop, Serves with H.E. Metropolitan Pakhomious in the Diocese of El Beheira
- H.G. Bishop Raphael, General Bishop, Serves with H.G. Bishop Moussa in the Downtown Cairo Churches
- Heg. Fr. Raphael Ava Mina, Monk Priest from St. Mina’s Monastery, Disciple to the Late Pope Cyril the Sixth
- Heg. Fr. Sarafim El-Souriani, Monk Priest from El Souryan Monastary
- Heg. Fr. Bakhamious El-Souriani, Monk Priest from El Souryan Monastary

Top Right: H.G. Bishop Tawadros
Bottom Left: Fr. Rafael Ava Mina
Bottom Center: Fr. Sarafim El-Souriani
Bottom Right: Fr. Bakhamious El-Souriani